The Opening Lead is the first line of attack when taking a contract down. Making the right lead often makes a difference in the final score.
Passive leads give nothing away - empty suits without honours, a trump
Active leads aim to win tricks or set up tricks - AKxxx, or BOSTON (Bottom of Something, Top of Nothing)
Good Leads against - 1NT P P P
Good Leads against a Blind Slam Auction - eg. 1S P 6S P P P, 1NT P 4NT P 6NT
Good Lead against a Preference Auction - eg. 1S P 2C P 2H P P P, 1C P 1D P 1H P 2C P P P
Good Leads against a trump contract
Average leads against a trump contract
Bad leads against a trump contract
Good leads against No Trumps
Bad leads against no trumps
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