When Responder wants to show a Game Forcing Hand after you you have rebid 1NT.
1C/1D P 1H/1S P
1NT P 2D ALERT “Game Forcing”
Keep bidding until you arrive at a Game Contract.
When Responder either wants you to play in Diamonds or has an invitational hand with 11 points, after you have opened One of a Minor.
1C/1D P 1H/1S P
1NT P 2C ALERT “Bid 2D Partner” P
2D P Responder EITHER NOW
1. PASSes - Responder wants you to play in DIAMONDS
OR 2. Responder has 11 points exactly and wants to further describe their hand
Responder’s rebid after originally showing 4 Spades:
1C/1D P 1S P
1NT P 2C ALERT “Bid 2D Partner” P
2D P ?
2H - 11 HCPs and 5 Spades & 4 Hearts
2S - 11 HCPs and 5 Spades
2NT - 11 HCPs and balanced (ie 4 hearts, 4 spades, 3 clubs, 2 diamonds)
3C - 11 HCPs and 5 Clubs & 4 Spades
3D - 11 HCPs and 5 Diamonds & 4 Spades
3H - 11 HCPs and 5 Spades & 5 Hearts
3S - 11 HCPs and 6 Spades
Responder‘s rebid after originally showing 4 Hearts:
1C/1D P 1H P
1NT P 2C ALERT “Bid 2D Partner”
2D P ?
2H - 11 HCPs and 5 Hearts
2S - 11 HCPs and 5 Hearts & 4 Spades
2NT - 11 HCPs and balanced
3C - 11 HCPs and 5 Clubs & 4 Hearts
3D - 11 HCPs and 5 Diamonds & 4 Hearts
3H - 11 HCPs and 6 Hearts
3S - 11 HCPs and “have you got Spade Stops Partner for NT?”
Q. Why invite with 11 and not 10 (If we are interested in 3NT with 24 points)?
A. The really good 14 point balanced opening hands are likely to be have been upgraded with our strong 1NT (good 14)15-17
The Short Club Two Opening Bid is different to ‘Better Minor’ and to ‘Short Club All Balanced Hands’.
It helps us find the part game major fits. Consider opening with 11HCPs if you have 44 in the Majors.
(11) 12 - 14 Balanced & No 5CM. Bid 1c/1d, planned rebid is 1NT
(14) 15 - 17 Balanced (mostly) - Bid 1NT
18-19 Balanced & no 5 CM. Bid 1c/1d, planned rebid is 2NT
20-22 Bid 2NT
If we open 1D, we promise at least 4 diamonds.
If we open 1C, Partner must alert “at least two”.
Respond to 1C/1D with a 4cm over a 5 card Diamond Suit.
1C P 1D (promises at least 5 Diamonds and no 4 Card Major)
1C P 1H P 1S is showing an unbalanced hand with at least 5 Clubs, 4 Spades and without 4 card heart support.
Unlike the Acol Dustbin (6-9)Bid:
1H P 1NT promises 5-11 HCPs AND less than 3 Card Support in our Major AND denies 4 spades.
If Opener’s Rebid is a minor AND we have good support for that minor AND points at the top end of our range, we want to show it.
We can show whether the 1NT response is at the thin end 5/6/7/8 or thick end 9/10/11 of our response range using ‘the impossible bid’.
Thick end - 1H P 1NT P 2C P 2S (impossible as already denied spades!) Shows support for Clubs and good Points.
Thin end - 1H P 1NT P 2C P 3C Shows support for Clubs and weaker Points.
Unlike the Acol Dustbin (6-9)Bid:
Our 1Major P 1NT promises 5-11 HCPs and less than 3 Card Support in our Major
Our 1minor P 1NT response shows 6-10HCPs
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