The Strong 1NT Opening Bid is constructive not preemptive. You are looking to find the best contract and it prevents Opps overcalling at the one level. It requires more careful judgement than bidding an ACOL 1NT, but you are always likely to be able to make 1NT x - a potential scoring disaster in Acol.
The Strong 1NT bid does not have to be balanced.
- 2,2,3,6D/6C Shape. It is okay to open 1NT with a 6 card Minor.
- 4,5,2,2 Shape such as 4H,5S,2D,2C.
Here, it is okay to open 1NT to avoid a clunky Reverse particularly if you have just 14/15 HCPs.
Eg. Better to stay low with an 1NT Opening Bid than the following auction, if partner has a weak responding hand. 1H P 1NT (denying 4 Spades) P 2S (Reverse - Strong) P - 3 of ?
Upgrade a 14 count if you have a good five card suit with a Source of Tricks, such as AKXXX or A, J,10,9,8, a hand that is heavy with 9s&10s, and has protective cards in other suits (so that you can field any lead on the 2nd/3rd round).
Or bid a 1NT with a 14 count in 3rd or 4th seat to prevent Opps overcalling 1 of a Major.
Unlike the Acol 1NT, the 1NT Opener can bid again.
17+8=25 So with a decent 8 count you should look for game.
However 15+8 doesn’t make 25, so don’t be afraid to PASS if your 8 HCPs are balanced and a bit rubbish!
WEAK STAYMAN - with a shortage/void in clubs, bid a weak Stayman as long as you can field any response from Opener.
FORCING STAYMAN - WITH 10+HCPs and a 4CM, a subsequent rebid at the 3 level shows 5 cards in that suit and is forcing to game.
1NT P 2C P 2H P 3D (I have 5Ds and 10+ HCPS)
1NT P 2C P 2H P 3S (I have 5Ss and 10+HCPS)
Always bid Stayman with 5/4 in the Majors (show the fifth card by rebidding the suit after Opener responds).
With 5/5 use transfers first.
After you have bid Stayman: a rebid at the 3 Level is Game Forcing, a rebid at the two level is to play.
. . . The 1NT Opener has responded to your Stayman enquiry with 2D denying a 4CM AND you have
You will use SMOLEN because you want to right side Declarer (the 1NT Opener will have the most points so best they play the hand).
Smolen involves jumping in the 4CM to Show 5 cards in the other Major.
2D(no 4CM) PASS JUMP 3H(I have 5 spades and 4 hearts, Game Forcing) PASS
4S (I have 3 Spades so we have a Fit) Fast Arrival so nothing extra PASS PASS PASS
2D(no 4CM) PASS JUMP 3H(I have 5 spades and 4 hearts, Game Forcing) PASS
3S (I have 3 Spades so we have a Fit) We play Fast Arrival so I may have extras?? PASS PASS 4S or higher
2D(no 4CM) PASS JUMP 3S(I have 5 hearts and 4 spades, Game Forcing) PASS
4H (I have 3 hearts so we have a Fit) Fast Arrival so nothing extra PASS PASS PASS
2D(no 4CM) PASS JUMP 3S(I have 5 hearts and 4 spades, Game Forcing) PASS
3NT (I don’t have 3 hearts - this is the best contract) PASS PASS PASS
If you transfer and then bid 4NT, this is quantitive. You haven’t agreed the suit.
With a game forcing 5-5, transfer to Spades and then jump to 3H.
With a weak 5-5, transfer to Hearts and then bid 2S.
After you have bid Transfers: a rebid at the 3 Level is Game Forcing, a rebid at the two level is to play.
Bid 2S in Response to a Strong 1NT opening with:
Either (A) 8HCPs - a light balanced game invitation
OR (B) A weak 6 Card Minor - Opener bids 3C, leave or correct to 3D
NEW. With Game Values, 9 (5-4) Cards in the Minors, 3 cards in a Major and a singleton, bid the MAJOR. Opener will know this is a FRAGMENT (You bid 2S not Stayman) and not 4. He can now decide whether to bid 5C/5D or 3NT if he has your Singleton covered.
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