The Jacoby convention is designed to explore a slam in a major suit by looking for shortages in Opener’s hand.
1M P 2NT (Alert Jacoby).
To be used when the Responder has:
Jacoby is not for use with minor suits. A response of 2NT to an opening bid in a minor shows no four card major and 10 to 12 points.
Jacoby does not apply after an intervention.
1S 2C 2NT (I have stops in clubs and at least 10 HCPs)
1S X 2NT (I don’t have 4 Spades or a 5 card suit, at least 10 HCPs)
1H 1S 2NT (I have stops in spades and at least 10 HCPs)
Use a cue bid instead 1H 1S 2S (I have at least 10 HCPs and at least 4 Hearts)
The Opener must rebid as follows -
3 of the major showing at least 16+ HCPs
4 of the major showing less than 16+ HCPs
3 of a new suit showing at least 16+ HCPs and a singleton ace or void in the new suit
The Responder can now decide on the course of action, either explore a slam or close the bidding at game level.
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